Corsair Mod Winner: Puzzlebox

Written by Wil Harris

January 26, 2005 | 00:00

Companies: #corsair #mod

The Finished Article

It took a while, but I finally finished it off and put the whole thing together.

Corsair Mod Winner: Puzzlebox The finished mod

Corsair Mod Winner: Puzzlebox The finished mod Corsair Mod Winner: Puzzlebox The finished mod

Pinhead has a fantastic evil red glow!

I'd like to say a big thanks to Corsair for picking me for their Mod of the Month award. If you're interested, this case will be on show at the Swedish Tekniska Museet - that's the Museum of Science & Technology. Check it out there if you're passing through!

Corsair Mod Winner: Puzzlebox The finished mod

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